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QUESTION: Describe the difference between an XML Sitemap and a HTML Sitemap. List the benefits and disadvantages of using each.
ANSWER: XML sitemaps are written specifically for search engine spiders. A search engine spider is able to swiftly and easily take all important information about the site by looking at the sitemap. A HTMl setup allows both lost human users of your site and search engine crawlers to find the page that they are looking for. XML setups are written for Search engines, and HTML setups are written for humans. The advantages of an XML sitemap are that it allows for faster indexing with search engines, as with an XML sitemap you list all important pages and dates they were updated and can get quicker and more accurate info on the site. They can list all URL’s from your site, and can categorise infromation and content of your site. A disadvantage of an XML sitemap is that rivaling websites can view your site, increasing competition. And because of the evolving nature of websites it is extremely hard to keep sitempas young. Ontop of this the moment that a sitemap generated from a database is crawled and indexed, it becomes outdated. Some of the advantages of a HTML sitemap are that it can be used by both humans and search engine crawlers, it can further define your websites purpose by including the most distinctive and relevent keywords in the sitemam. The main disadvantage of HTML Sitemaps are that they are very strict, if one of the tags are incorrect the entire HTML does not work.
QUESTION: Evaluate three IDE’s (Integrated development environments) and provide a brief summary on the positive and negative aspects of each. Also, in your own words include how it would suit an entry level trainee code developer.
ANSWER: Atom is a well known text editor developed by GitHub built with HTML, CSS, Javascript and Node.js support, it is well trusted and used by web designers and or editors. Some of Atom’s greatest benefits are its flexibility in customisation as a text editor as well as how beginner friendly it is. It is also completely free. However one if its main disadvantages is it can struggle to open files greater then 2mb. On top of this it has since stopped receiving development as of December 2018. Because of its user friendliness, easy customisation, and good reviews it is quite suitable for an entry level trainee code developer. Eclipse is the second-most-popular IDE for Java development. Eclipse is written in mostly Java and has Python, Android, JavaFX, JavaScript, jQuery and others at Eclipse Markey place. It is mostly used within Java based programs but may also be used to make products in other programming languages via plug-ins. Some advantages of Eclipse are that it comes with a base workplace as well as an extensible plug-in system for modifying the programming, it is also completely free. One disadvantage is that it can sometimes run a bit slow and even freeze when working on it which can be quite bad if you havent saved in a while. Because of Eclipse’s easy customisatiuon with plug ins, and being able to run with so many different coding languages, as well as the mostly positive ratings, it should be able to suit an entry level trainee code developer. PyCharm is an Intergrated Development Invironment used in computer programming. PyCharm is a mainly python based software however provides support for: JavaScript, CoffeeScript, TypeScript, CSS, popular template languages and more. One of its main positives is that it has a built in code reader that automaticlly reads your code and highlights it if anything is wrong, and also suggests quick fixes for the errors. It is also very user friendly with safe rename, delete, extract method, introduce variable, inline variable or method and other factorings. Because of all of these features I believe that this would be good for any entry level trainee code developer.
QUESTION: Provide a brief history on web browser development and the issues encountered by web developers, specifically, the adherence to web standards.
ANSWER: Predecessors for the web browser emerged first as hyperlinked applications in the mid and late 1980’s. following these Tim Berners-Lee is renowned for developing both the first web server and the first web browser called the WorldWideWeb and later renamed to Nexus. Many others were soon developed such as Marc Andreessen’s 1993 Mosiac later being renamed to NetScape which was well known to be easy to use and install. Whilst Mosiac was the dominant web browser for a while it lost its market to other web browsers which started taking over, such as internet explorer, opera, chrome and mozilla firefox. Over time web browser development became less difficult and has less issues. The early web browsers supported HTML and CSS as recommended by the WorledWideWeb standards. One of the issues encountered by web developers in the early stages was that the first web browser could only be used on a Nexus computer. Adherence to web standards was that they all web browsers had to support HTML and CSS by the World Wide Web.
QUESTION: What are website testing methodologies? Your answer MUST cover browser compatibility, and website functionality.
Some testing methodologies can include - Performance testing This will test the webpage under different scenarios, it does this to test its performance on different operating systems, hard drives and etc - Usability testing This test is used to be sure the webpage is following the web standards and that the webpage is quick and easy to use and navigate - Security testing - Browser compatibility testing is the practice of aiding a websites features and functions so that it is possible for it to be supported on separate browsers. This test is used to test, data leaks, modifications and captcha can be used by the webpage.
What are the endorsed requirements of accessibility for all NT Government webpages?/td>
All NT governed websites are required to have a clear and easily identifiable link outlining that it is an NT government website. The words “NT Government” must be involved in some way with the webpage and must include the NT Government logo. An example of this would be: www.nt.gov.au The requirements of accessibility that the NT Government tries to meet with all NT government webpages is to meet the WCAG 2.0 Level AA compliance authorised by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).
How do you think it’s best to organise all the assets used for a specific webpage? Think locally on your computer AND within the root folder of the website.
ANSWER: The ideal way to organise all the assets used for your webpage is to have a project folder with all the HTML filed in it as well as a css folder containign all css files. The project folder will also have a images folder contiaing all images used in the website.